Mail Art in, from Hannover & Rossignol

Receiving a beautifully typed piece of Mail Art from Astrid Jahns made me think about the words used and the barriers crossed through sending Mail Art around the world.

astrid 3Astrid’s approach is no different to the collection, mainly visual pieces I have received as part of the project.  What struck me most about this piece is the opportunity to engage in the work in a different way, asking the viewer to create their own narrative within the framework of WW1.  I think it is beautiful and I will certainly find a place for it in the Mail Art project.  Thank you Astrid.

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Fabienne Gonay – I hope I am spelling this name correctly, presents a part of history on the outside and inside of an envelope.  Based in Rossignol, scene of a horrific massacre during  WW1.




Fabienne has the most amazing spidery writing, not only am I set the challenge of translating and understanding the information, but I have to adjust  my eye to reading the ‘hand written’ note.  Thank you Fabienne, I will read and re-read the information and certainly include it in the Mail Art project.  There are many stories and reflections unearthed during this period of remembrance.  A recent email from a German Mail Artist has raised the idea of Volkstrauertag – People’s Day of Mourning, a German National Day of Mourning is held in November commemorating those from all countries, military and civilian, who have died either in or as a result of armed conflicts. Or as victims of violent oppression and tyranny separate from a war situation. And it includes those left to mourn.  

Those left to mourn is an interesting thought.

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